Bourtha Cup

This is the temporary home of the Bourtha Cup - for now you can find photos from the most recent event.

27 March 2005 - Beacon Hills Country Golf Club - Lakes Course

Full Results available: JPG, PDF and EXCEL formats.

Photos: click on the pictures to see the full-size images

Jerry testing the wind at the First Tee... The Bourtha Boys lining up to get going...
Kyra practising for that all important longest drive Manny takes his first swing of the day
Stunning views from the hills around Cardinia Reservoir Soc had to go fishing to collect his ball (you can see it in the water behind the sign!)
George (Tsig)'s ball landed in the quicksand Beautiful fairways in great surrounds
Soc in action... Greg lining up for a whopper drive at the 11th Tee...
The view from the top of the 18th hole Cardinia Reservoir Tower watches over the course
MOVIE FILE: Physics and Kyra take the first shots of the day. (22MB MOV file! 1min 16 sec) MOVIE FILE: Peter M drives long on the 11th (7MB MOV file, 23 sec)

Note! To view movie files you will need Apple Quicktime, or Windows Media Player

22MB may take a while to download over a slow connection